Drink properly! | Raspberry-coconut-water shake

Stay hydrated! More important than ever at the current temperatures. „Stay hydrated“ means as much as: Make sure you have a sufficient supply of fluids. On hot summer days this is an argument not to be underestimated, because our organism consists of almost 80% water. In order to keep our physical functions, our organs and metabolic processes running, an adequate supply of fluids is indispensable. Of course we should not drink anything. It is a fact that soft drinks and extremely sugary drinks are at the expense of our health. In order to cover the general fluid requirement sufficiently, we should decide mainly mineral water or unsweetened tea.

For example, I consciously use the morning to replenish my fluid reserve after the night. Usually I already drink 1.5 litres of water in the morning. In addition I usually drink 1-2 cups of unsweetened tea. Afterwards I feel fit, in balance and concentrated. Lack of fluid leads to considerable physical consequences. If we don’t drink enough, we quickly feel tired, get headaches and are less able to concentrate and perform at the same time.

If you are more of a „lazy drinker „, then place a full water bottle at your desk or workplace every morning. If you have water at hand faster, you will usually drink more. With me this action already belongs for many years to the absolute routine. Without having covered my liquid needs sufficiently in the morning, I feel unfocused and „muddy“ in my head.

When to drink?

By the way, you should not drink when you get thirsty, but rather throughout the day. Especially in stressful times, there can quickly be confusion between the feeling of hunger and thirst, so that our body suggests a supposed feeling of hunger even though we are actually thirsty. The consequences are obvious: instead of drinking water, we tend to eat unhealthy snacks.

My tip: To see if you are really hungry, I always recommend drinking a glass of water first. Not infrequently we can save ourselves the snacks or an unnecessary intermediate meal afterwards.

How much should we drink a day?

This cannot be said in general terms for everyone, as our needs depend strongly on our physical activity. The rule of thumb for an adult is 2 litres of water a day. Anyone who is active in everyday life, does sports and sweats extensively can raise this figure accordingly.

What if I feel like a sweet drink?

Of course it can be something sweet every now and then. If so, I recommend to drink homemade lemonades or fresh shakes. When preparing, make sure that you choose low-sugar fruit varieties. Berries are always a good choice because they have a high water content but only a low fructose content. Some recipes according to this topic are already available on the blog.

A delicious recipe for a raspberry-coconut-water-shake is added today, because coconut water is the perfect thirst quencher and a wonderful source of energy on warm days. Coconut water is an absolute superfood drink that I like to mix with my homemade spritzers and juices. Of course, coconut water also tastes very good on its own. I like this version with fresh raspberries and a dash of lime juice especially on hot summer days.

By the way, coconut water originates from the young green coconut and, in contrast to milk, is a fat-free, low-calorie, enormously electrolyte-rich and isotonic drink. Although it consists of 90 % water, it is considered to be one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals. This makes coconut water the perfect thirst quencher. Especially athletes love coconut water as a natural source of vitamins and minerals after training. Due to the high potassium and magnesium content (to 250 ml, already 60 mg, which corresponds to one seventh of the daily requirement), it contributes to a faster muscle regeneration and can help to prevent muscle cramps.

Raspberry-coconut-water shake

Prep Time3 minutes
Cook Time2 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Course: Drinks
Portionen: 2 Personen
Author: Adaeze


  • 200 g raspberrys
  • 200 ml coconutwater
  • 250 ml mineral water (carbonated or still)
  • 1 lime (juice)
  • 4 leaves mint


  • Wash the raspberries. Squeeze out the lime juice. Put all ingredients into the mixer and mix. Then divide into two glasses and garnish as desired with coconut chips. 

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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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