Fit through the autumn! 3 simple movement exercises for you to do at home

Even though it was still summerly beautiful outside during the last weeks, we slowly have to admit that autumn is just around the corner. Often the autumn blues overtakes us. We feel tired, are listless and would like to stay in our bed. But that does not have to be the case! With the right diet and regular exercise we can do a lot to strengthen our defences and make body and mind fit for autumn.

Get fit – in only 2 steps

Step 1 – Nutrition.

With my recipes (especially from the Eat yourself fit challenge-week) you can be wonderfully bursting with autumn tiredness, because your body is supplied with the nutrients it needs during this time by the tasty, healthy and vitamin-rich recipes. You can already find a large selection of recipes on the blog.

Step 2 is the movement.

The best thing for me is my morning run. I just love being active in nature. However, it doesn’t always have to be just running. How about an afternoon walk in the autumn sun? Walking for just half an hour gets your metabolism going and burns about 130 kcal. This can be easily integrated into everyday life – even as a walk in the lunch break when there is little time left.

Exercise doesn’t mean you have to complete the big sports program right away. Even if we want to, we often just don’t have the time for it in everyday life. That’s why today I also have three simple exercises for you that you can do by yourself – without a gym, expensive sports equipment and a lot of effort – after work at home.

Especially when the weather does not provide the best conditions to be active outside, such small exercises can help to stay in motion.

  1. Healthy back

Strengthen your back to work against the constant back pain from sitting all the time.

What do you need?

2 water bottles of the same size between 0,5 and 1,5 liter

1 chair

Sit as far forward as possible on a chair. But please not so close that you could fall down. Then place your upper body forward on your thighs. Take a bottle of water in each hand and raise your arms slightly bent in the elbow to the side until they form a line with your back. Then lower them slowly again. Repeat the exercise 15 times, take a short break and then do two more blocks.

  1. Strong arms.

The shopping bags pull you down again. Soon no longer thanks to bizeps curls.

What do you need?

2 water bottles of the same size between 0,5 and 1,5 liter

Stand upright. Your feet are hip-width apart, your toes point slightly outwards and your knees are slightly flexed. Your upper body is under tension and your arms are stretched down to the side of your body. Take a bottle of water in both hands. Now you are ready, your upper arms do not move and remain close to your body; your forearms, on the other hand, are angled so that the palms of your hands with the bottles point inwards. Now you bend your arms in the elbow joint and lead your hands towards the shoulders. Then go slowly and controlled back to your starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times, take a short break and then do two more blocks.

  1. Recovery for the whole body

After an exhausting day and the two strength exercises, your body deserves a rest. So get into the twist and stretch position.

Lie with your back on the floor (or on a yoga mat or blanket if you like). Place your legs at an angle, with your arms stretched out to the side next to your body. Now put your legs up to the side and turn your head in the opposite direction. Make sure that you put your legs down in a controlled way. Hold this position for about 10 sec and then switch sides.

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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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