Clean through the pumpkin season | My best pumpkin recipes

Pumpkin is a real highlight not only for Halloween, as a scary, beautiful decoration. Also as an autumnal meal it is a real eye-catcher on the dining table. I’m sure you’ve already discovered some of my pumpkin recipes and health facts about pumpkins on the blog. To give you an overview of how you can prepare pumpkins at home, I have put together my pumpkin recipe collection again. Before we get started, I’ll give you a few pumpkin tips:

Where can I buy pumpkin?

Pumpkins are usually an integral part of every supermarket assortment during the season. If you are looking for a more unusual type of pumpkin, visit your local greengrocer or a market nearby. There the assortment is usually bigger.

When can/should I buy pumpkin?

Winter pumpkins like the (often used in my recipes) Hokaido have high season in September and October. However, some of them are available until January.

How do I measure the quality of a pumpkin?

When buying pumpkins, you should make sure that the skin is not damaged and that there are no pressure marks. In addition, the pumpkin should not be soft (be able to be pressed in). If the pumpkin looks too light compared to its size, it is better to keep your fingers off it, because then it usually consists only of fibres and seeds inside.

What’s the best way to store pumpkin?

Pumpkin can be bought in larger quantities as it can be kept for several months if stored properly. It prefers to be dry, cool and airy. It feels most comfortable at approx. 12°C.

Are you interested in a varied pumpkin menu? Here are my suggestions…

Breakfast ideas including pumpkin…

Pumpkin-Spice Chia-Bowl with pumpkin puree, baked apples and walnuts.

You can also enjoy pumpkin in a sweet version for breakfast. I call this bowl Pumpkin-Spice Chia-Bowl by the way, because it contains the typical Pumpkin-Spice spice mixture…

Millet Porridge with sweet pumpkin, apple and walnuts (vegan & gluten-free)

Even more inspiration for what pumpkin has to offer for breakfast. I just have to introduce you to this wintery breakfast porridge recipe…

Pumpkin bread with plum chutney

What would autumn be without the pumpkin season… Definitely only half as beautiful, right? My pumpkin bread can be used in many ways, whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner…

Delicious main meals including pumpkin…

Baked pumpkin with belugalentil salad

After a long and busy day, no one wants to go to the kitchen for a long cooking ceremony. Fortunately, you don’t need this for the preparation of this delicious pumpkin-lentil salad recipe…

Pumpkin goulash | Healthy filling food – without meat {vegan}

Today we have goulash in a different way and it is vegan. When it gets colder outside, we automatically long for…

Pumpkin and curcuma soup | Power for the immune system

In autumn, this soup is a must have for me. This pumpkin and curcuma soup is soothing, nourishing and…

For strong immune systems: pumpkin coconut curry with rice noodles

You can say that this pumpkin curry is a real immune booster. And I’ll also tell you why…

Pumpkin fries with mango chutney. A delicious clean eating recipe for autumn.

Pumpkin fries are a great clean eating recipe that can be enjoyed by the whole family…

Sweets including pumpkin…

Sweet pumpkin waffle with apple-cinnamon compote (vegan & gluten-free)

At the weekend we love to start the day sweetly – no matter if pancakes, waffles or crêpes – one of these classics usually makes it to the breakfast table. Why not refine it with pumpkin?

Healthy chocolate cake with pumpkin {vegan & gluten-free} – without sugar

Chocolate and cake, our darling, of course, should not be missing at any time of the year! But baking a cake without flour, butter, eggs and sugar, does that work at all? With pumpkin in any case. See by yourself…

Pumpkin to drink…

Pumpkin milk homemade. Very simple and so tasty.

Have you ever tried this nut milk? It tastes deliciously like „autumn“ and is a great alternative to coffee and tea…

Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte

How about a healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte instead of coffee? I have interpreted the cult autumn-winter hot drink from the USA a little healthier here.

Have fun cooking and baking with pumpkin! Enjoy the pumpkin season and benefit from the valuable ingredients of the pumpkin.


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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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