Beauty & Skin Food Day in Rottach-Egern | Health Food Workshops & Natural Beauty Talk {Dr. Jennifer Peters and Elke Blidon}

Our health, charisma and general well-being are inextricably linked to our diet and lifestyle. What we consume through our food, how we live and which ingredients we choose on a daily basis have a great influence on our health, our general well-being, our skin and the associated aging process. You can download the current flyer here.

On Semptember 8th. the 1. Naturally Good Health, Beauty & Skin Food Day on this topic will take place in Rottach-Egern on Lake Tegernsee. For one day, the beautiful Genusswerkstatt of the Althoff Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern is dedicated to health, beauty, well-being and anti-aging.

An additional highlight is the Natural Beauty Talk with tips from experts on current Healthy-Lifestyle, Beauty-, Wellbeing- & Anti-Aging-toppics.

What to expect?

An exciting exchange awaits you with interesting Health-Food-Workshops on Clean Eating and Beauty & Skin Foods as well as expert-tips on current Healthy-Lifestyle, Beauty-, Wellbeing- & Anti-Aging-toppics.

Special highlight…

Natural Beauty Talk

Look forward to an exciting Beauty-Talk-Round with great guests at my side.

Presentation by Dr. med Jennifer Peters

Dr. med. Jennifer Peters is a doctor for beauty medicine and aesthetic dermatology. She works in Düsseldorf and Munich as the right-hand man for  Dr. Barbara Sturm  the internationally acclaimed and successful natural Skincare- and Wellness-Line.

In Rottach-Egern she will give us an exciting lecture about „Skin Food & Skin Care – How can we protect our skin in a natural and preventive way?“ and share her knowledge in a personal exchange as a beauty doctor and aesthetic dermatologist with us.

Natural Beauty-Workshop with Elke Blidon

Elke Blidon is a professional cosmetician, make-up artist, make-up stylist and natural beauty make-up-expert. In Rottach-Egern she will tell us everything about the right beauty routine and why only a perfectly prepared skin can be the basis for a natural make-up. In the 1:1 Natural Beauty Make-up Coaching, she works with the participants to develop a light natural beauty make-up by Elke Blidon that is individually tailored to their skin tone.

Health-Food-Workshops about Clean Eating and Beauty & Skin Foods with Adaeze

For me, living a holistically healthy life goes far beyond a healthy diet. It is about the unity of body, mind and soul. As a holistic nutritionist and founder of Naturally Good workshops and retreats, I am convinced that the choice of our food is inextricably linked to our health, our lifestyle, our general well-being and our charisma.

On this day I will tell you in my Health-Food-Workshops on Clean Eating and Beauty & Skin Foods, which foods have a positive effect on body and mind. You will learn why skin food can protect our skin from cell damage and slow down the premature aging process. In the workshops we prepare different Health Food & Beauty Snacks together.

The procedure.

The Beauty & Skin Food Day takes place from 10.00-16.00 in Genusswerkstatt of the Althoff Seehotel Überfahrt. After a get-together with tasty and healthy Health-Food-Snacks, we will start with the various programe items.

The program

Start 10.00 a.m. with welcome smoothies & juices
♥ Presentation Anti-Aging Dr. Jennifer Peters
♥ Beauty & Skin Food presentation / Cooking-workshop with Adaeze Wolf
♥ Natural Beauty Talk
♥ In an exciting exchange you will get the latest information & expert-tips on current healthy lifestyle topics such as beauty, health & anti-aging.
♥ Natural Beauty-Make-up Coaching by Elke Blidon
♥ Beauty-DIY-Workshop with Terra-Elements
End approx. 16.00 o’clock

The Beauty & Skin Food Day includes the following services:

♥ Introduction to Beauty & Skin-Food-Cooking.

♥ All workshops and lectures.

♥ How skin foods work from within (beauty inside out), strengthen your skin health, underline the natural beauty and slow down the aging process.

♥ Introduction to the topic „Natural & Clean Beauty“.

♥ Drinks and menu catering.

♥ Naturally Good – Beauty & Nutrition-Booklet.

♥ Naturally Good Recipe-Booklet.

♥ A Goodie Bag full to the brim.

Where and when?

Beauty and Skin-Food Day takes place from 10.00 to 16.00.

Place: Rottach-Egern at Lake Tegernsee
Date: Saturday 08 September, 2018
Seehotel Überfahrt (Culinary school Genusswerkstatt)


179,- €

Further information

The Beauty & Skin Food Day takes place from 10.00 to 16.00 o’clock. The number of participants is limited. Payment will be made by bank transfer (after registration by email).


By email to:

Are you interested in an exciting exchange with different workshops and lectures on health, beauty, well-being and anti-aging with enough space for your personal questions?

I look forward to seeing you.

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Ich bin Adaeze, holistische Ernährungsberaterin und Health & Life Coach. Bei mir dreht sich alles um natürliche Ernährung, Gesundheit, Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, dass eine gesunde Ernährung und ein ganzheitlich bewusstes Leben kein Verzicht bedeutet, sondern Spaß macht und sich auf natürliche Weise, mit Freude und Leichtigkeit, in den Alltag integrieren lässt. 

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